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Press 1

Art Radar - Postcard from Syria: Art is Peace - A different Syrian migration story: 5 Syrian artists in Singapore

19 December 2015

Thomson Reuters Asia - Poscard from Syria: Art is Peace - Postcard of Syria

November 2015

Les Echos - Le pari arty de Singapour

October 2015

Pittsburgh Post - Rania Matar - Photographer Rania Matar lectures at the Carnegie about how her work reflects her life

16 September 2015

Bespoke Magazine - PM Lee Kuan Yew by Laudi Abilama - Pop Up

August 2015

Harper's Bazaar Art Singapore - PM Lee Kuan Yew by Laudi Abilama - Father of the Nation - Bazaar pays tribute to Lee Kuan Yew with 12 special artworks to commemorate his extraordinary life

August 2015

Channel News Asia - "Doodle 4 Google" at Sana Gallery - Eight-year-old crowned winner of Singapore 'Doodle 4 Google' competition

09 July 2015

Le Monde Magazine - Issa Touma - L'art comme arme

27 June 2015

Masculin Magazine - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - Nayla Kai Saroufim, dialogue coloré avec Singapour

June 2015

Spécial Magazine - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - Nayla Kai Saroufim expose à Singapour

June 2015

Décoration Magazine - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - Nayla Kai Saroufim expose à Singapour

June 2015

ELLE - Chonicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached

June 2015

Tis Magazine - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached

June 2015

Agenda Culturel - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Une artiste libanaise à Singapour

2 June 2015

L'Hebdo Magazine - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - Nayla Kai Saroufim expose à Singapour. Un dialogue entre le Moyen-Orient et le monde

May 2015

Inside Magazine - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached

May 2015

Sahar Ghazale Blog - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - Sana Gallery Presents Chronicles with 3 Lebanese Artists | May 8 - June 28, 2015

20 May 2015

Paper Blog - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - Sana Gallery Presents 3 Lebanese Artists | May 8 - June 28, 2015

20 May 2015

Lebanon Blog - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - Sana Gallery presents Chronicle with 3 Lebanese Artists | May 8 - June 28, 2015

20 May 2015

MTV Lebanon - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - مغامرة عالميّة للرسّامة بولا شاهين

30 April 2015

Al Joumhouria (الجمهورية) - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - أسرار وحكايات «تنسكب» مشاعر... في لوحات

20 April 2015

Lebanon Debate - Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Kai Saroufim and Marcel Rached - إبداعٌ عالميّ لبنانيّ بتوقيع بولا شاهين

1 April 2015

Straits Times - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - In Their Own Ways, They're All Drawn to Pay Tribute

29 March 2015

Artnet - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Singapore Mourns Lee Kuan Yew with Deluge of exhibitions

27 March 2015

Le Petit Journal | Singapour - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Portraits de Lee Kuan Yew by Laudi Abilama

27 March 2015

AsienZeitung - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Libanesische Künstlerin Stellt Ihre "Lee Kuan Yew"-Werke in Singapur Aus

27 March 2015

Aquila Style - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Lebanese Artist Lauds Achievements of Lee Kuan Yew

27 March 2015

Euronews - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Artist Laudi Abilama Immortalises Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew in Print

26 March 2015

Haberler - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Lübnanlı Sanatçıdan Singapur'un Efsanevi Lideri Anısına Sergi

26 March 2015

Financial Times - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Singapore After Lee Kuan Yew

23 March 2015

BlouinArtInfo - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Remembering Lee Kuan Yew: Portraits of a Leader

22 March 2015

ExecutiveLifeStyle - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - What's On the Singapore Art Space

13 March 2015

Berita Harian - PM LKY By Laudi Abilama - Potret pamer ketokohan Encik Lee

9 March 2015

SG50 - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - What's On

March - April 2015

ICON Singapore - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - 李光耀肖像展

5 March 2015

LifeStyleAsia - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Art & The City: 5 Cool Art Exhibitions in Singapore for March

4 March 2015

The Straits Times - PM LKY By Laudi Abilama - Two Art Shows on Lee Kuan Yew

29 February 2015

Harian Nasional - PM LKY by Laudi Abilama - Kondisi Lee Kuan Yew Setelah Dirawat Tiga Minggu

28 February 2015

BLOUIN ARTINFO - PM LKY By Laudi Abilama - Laudi Abilama on her Lee Kuan Yew Portraits

08 February 2015

Singapore Art Week - 17/01/15 to 25/01/15 - Contemporary Art from the Middle East

January 2015

Art Republik 5 - Assaad W. Razzouk - An Artistic Dialogue Shows the Absence of Cultural Exports from the Arab World

December - February 2015

Art Republik 5 - Laudi Abilama - Lee Kuan Yew

December - February 2015

Art Republik 4 - Laudi Abilama - ME.NA.SA.ART

September - November 2014

Art+ Philippines #35 - Laudi Abilama - Connecting Regions

September - November 2014

Le Journal des Arts - Singapore Art Fair, des débuts encourageants

12 December 2014

Middle East Institute, Washington - Assaad W. Razzouk - An Artistic Dialogue Shows the Absence of Cultural Exports from the Arab World

12 December 2014

L'orient le Jour - L'art contemporain libanais à l'honneur à Singapour

5 December 2014

Art Radar - Laudi Abilama - 13 Lebanese artists at Singapore Art Fair

28 November 2014

Cromly - Laudi Abilama - Paintings for your home and other gorgeous artworks at the Singapore Art Fair

28 November 2014

Blouin Artinfo - Mohamed Abouelnaga, Laudi Abilama - Sneak Peek: 25 Artworks from the Inaugural Singapore Art Fair

4 November 2014

Blouin Artinfo - Mohamed Abouelnaga, Laudi Abilama - Sneak Peek: 25 Artworks Singapore Art Fair

1 November 2014

Middle East Institute Blog - Nassima Neggaz speaks at Sana Gallery

31 October 2014

Art Radar - Destination Singapore : Art fairs head to the Southeast

24 October 2014

ICON Singapore - Laudi Abilama - 亚洲文化新热点

October 2014

Bazaar Magazine - Multiple narrative in Beirut

September 2014

The Straits Times - Beirut Art Fair goes big on asian artists

23 September 2014

Art Paper - Rania Matar - Palestine personified : 18 artists on occupation and exile

September 2014

Art Paper - Beirut Art Fair

September 2014

The Daily Star Lb - Electric jokes and body politics at the BAF

18 September 2014

L'Orient Le Jour - 47 galeries et 14 pays pour la cinquième édition du Beirut Art Fair au Biel

18 September 2014

Le Quotidien de l'Art - Entretien avec L. d’Hauteville et P. Odille

18 September 2014

The New York Time - Rania Matar - The Middle East Revealed: A Female Perspective’ and ‘Syria in 1940

4 September 2014

Time - Laura Boushnak- Top Photographers Win $130,000 Worth of Grants

4 September 2014

NYT Lens Blog - Laura Boushnak- Getty Grants for Personal Photo Projects

4 September 2014

The Bangkok Post - Rania Matar exhibition

June 2014

The Bangkok Art Map - Rania Matar - The lady and the lens

June 2014

L'Officiel - Rania Matar - See&Learn

June 2014

ZaoBao - Rania Matar - Exhibition at Alliance Française de Singapour

April 2014

Lien Alliance Française de Singapour - Rania Matar - Ordinary Lives : Woman of the Middle East

March/April 2014

The Business Time - Rania Matar - Behind the veil of stoicism

10 March 2014

L'Officiel - Rania Matar - Highlights from international woman's day at Alliance française de Singapour

21 February 2014

National News Agency - "Sublimed Elsewhere's": Exhibition in Singapore of Lebanese photographe focusing on cultural diversity

15 January 2014

L'Orient le jour - Sublime Elsewhere’s - Sublimer l'ailleurs à Singapour

16 January 2014

Fashion Republik - Sublime Elsewhere’s - Lebanese Cultural Diversity in Singapore

15 January 2014

Art Week Guide 2014 - Sublime Elsewhere’s

January 2013

Le petit journal de Kuala Lumpur - Raouf Rifai - Le célèbre peintre libanais expose pour la première fois en Malaisie by Alexandra Le Vaillant

26 November 2013

Now - Sana Gallery - Beirut looks east

22 September 2013

Art Actuel - Raouf Rifai - Le carnaval des Darwiches exposition à la TJ Fine Art Gallery de Kuala Lumpur

18 September 2013

Middle East Institute, Washington - Art Dubai, Abu Dhabi Art, and the Sharjah Biennale: The Emergence of a Global Art Hub written by Assaad W. Razzouk 

August 2013

American Photo - Rania Matar - On the wall "She Who Tells a Story"

26 August 2013

The Daily Star Beirut - Raouf Rifai and Thaer Maarouf - A world of art summers in Gemmayzeh

16 August 2013

The New York Times, Lens - Rania Matar - A Show of Strength by Middle Eastern Women Photographers

26 August 2013

Art Media Agency - Raouf Rifai - A Carnaval of Darwiches in Kuala Lumpur

23 August 2013

The Art Newspaper - Rania Matar - Boston show aims to portray power of Arab women photographers

12 August 2013

Agenda Culturel - La Sana Gallery ou l’art arabe à Singapour

23 July 2013

Masquerade Magazine - The devastation and violence which has ripped Iraq apart has also helped spur a growing art scene by Assaad W. Razzouk

May 2013

Artclvb - Laura Boushnak - I Read, I Write

27 June 2013

The Daily Star Beirut - Laura Boushnak - Where photography and literacy collide

22 June 2013

The Straits Times - Niche Art on the Rise

18 April 2013

The National Buissness - Rania Matar - Singapore acts as arts link from Asia to Gulf by Umej Bhatia

22 March 2013

Speech by the ambassador of the republic of Singapore to the UAE, HE UMEJ BHATIA, at the “Art Routes” Lunch Hosted by the Singapore Tourism Board

21 March 2013

Middle East Institute Washington DC - Raouf Rifai - The Songkok and Raouf Rifai’s Darwiche: A Cultural Dialogue Between the Middle East and Southeast Asia by Assaad W. Razzouk

16 March 2013

Artclvb - Raouf Rifai- Carnival of Darwiches

4 March 2013

Art Actuel - Raouf Rifai - Le Carnaval des Darwiches

4 March 2013

Today - Rania Matar - Our pick

16 January 2013

Reorient – Rania Matar - In Conversation with Lebanese-American Photographer Rania Matar

14 January 2013

Brownbook - South East Asia welcomes first Middle Eastern Gallery

January - February 2013

Canvas Magazine - Rania Matar - Sana Gallery in Singapore

January - February 2013

The Straits Time - Akshita Nanda recommends, Arts Picks

21 December 2012

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CCTV - Mideast artists star in Singapore

17 December 2012

Bloomberg - Rania Matar - ‘Naomi Campbell’ Clock, Lego Art Adorn Singapore Casino

14 December 2012

The Straits Time - Rania Matar - Make room for girls

11 December 2012

Artclvb - Rania Matar - Ordinary Lives : Women of the Middle East

7 December 2012


7 December 2012

Rania Matar with the Robin Stienberg Review, National Critics Choice

7 December 2012

The Middle East Institute Washington - Showcasing Middle Eastern Art in Southeast Asia

4 December 2012

L'Orient le Jour - Bons « Baisers d’un ennemi » de Singapour

14 November 2012

Art Media Agency - First gallery specialised in Middle East art opens in Singapore

8 November 2012

MBC TV - Opening of Sana Gallery with artists Thaer Maarouf, Semaan Khawam and Rania Matar

5 November 2012

Blouin Artinfo Deutschland - In Singapur eröffnet die erste Galerie für Kunst aus dem Nahen Osten

5 November 2012

Al Hayat - Sana Gallery opening

2 November 2012

Blouin Artinfo - First gallery dedicated to Middle East art opens in Singapore

1 November 2012

The Daily Star Beirut - An ode to the Middle East in Singapore’s Sana Gallery

20 October 2012

Al-Mustaqbal - Sana Gallery

18 October 2012

Art Media Agency - The Sana Gallery to open in Singapore

12 October 2012

Art Club - Kisses of an Enemy – Dual Exhibition at Sana Art Gallery

8 October 2012

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